Iranui Haig
- Iwi:
- Te Whānau a Ruataupare
I te tau 1995 hei whakanui i te Tau o te Reo Māori, i whakarite a Te Minitatanga Mō Ngā Wāhine (ko Manatū Wāhine nāianei) i ētahi hopukanga kōrero mai i ētahi pūkenga wāhine Māori i roto katoa i te reo Māori mō ō rātou ake mātauranga.
In 1995, as part of the celebration of Te Tau o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Year), the Ministry of Women's Affairs (now Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women) arranged to interview wāhine Māori in te reo Māori in their respective areas of mātauranga.
E tuku mihi atu nei ki a rātou mā kua wehe ki te pō. Nō mātou te maringanui i whai wā ki te noho ki te taha o rātou i te wā i a rātou, hei whakarongo, hei hopu, hei mirimiri i ō tātou taringa ki ngā rōreka o te motu. Ki a rātou kua whetūrangipōtia, moe mai, moe mai, moe tonu mai rā.
Ka huri nei ki a tātou e kanohi ora nei, otirā, ki ngā wāhine toko ake i tēnei kaupapa, tēnei waka huia, ka rere tonu te mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa.
These interviews encompass sixteen different kaupapa, covering topics of arts, culture, spirituality, language, education, the role of wāhine in society, and government.
These recordings were distributed in 1995 and 2005-6 to libraries, schools and interested individuals.
Please note: these interviews are not available in a recording or transcript in English or any other language. This is to preserve the integrity of the project to celebrate Te Tau o te Reo Māori.
If you have any pātai about this, contact us.