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Statement of Intent 2024-2028 (2024)
This document sets out Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women's intentions for the following four years: 2024 to 2028.If you would like a hard copy of this report, email
New Zealand Women in Export Trade: Understanding the barriers (2023)
This BERL report provides insights for decision makers on the challenges and barriers that women in export in New Zealand face.
Statement of Intent 2021-2025 (2021)
This document sets out Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women's intentions for the following four years. If you would like a hard copy of this report, email
Statement of Intent 2012-2015 (2012)
Our Statement of Intent sets out our intentions for the following three years.
Four Year Plan 2016 (2016)
The Ministry for Women's Four -Year Plan provides a snapshot in time of a department's strategic and medium-term planning. It covers the Ministry's strategic objectives, its role and funding, and how the Ministry will organise and manage its peopl
Getting it done: Utilising women's skills in the workforce (2015)
Women in Canterbury now make up a higher proportion of those employed in construction than do women nationally.
Women in Trades (2021)
Manatū Wāhine has collaborated with partners in the construction industry to produce these booklets aimed at employers within the construction industry and women and girls considering constructions trades as a careers option to encourage more women into…
Statement of Intent 2018-2022 (2018)
This document sets out the Ministry's intentions for the following four years. If you would like a hard copy of this report, please email
Māori and Pasifika Women in Trades (2018)
These Māori and Pacific wāhine know first-hand that there's no such thing as men's work. We hope these stories of these trailblazing wāhine working in industries with so few women inspire other young Māori and Pacific women in trades.
Four-Year Plan 2017 (2017)
The Ministry for Women's Four-Year Plan provides a snapshot in time of a department's strategic and medium-term planning. It covers the Ministry's strategic objectives, its role and funding, and how the Ministry will organise and manage its people…
Growing Your Trades Workforce: How To Attract Women To Your Jobs (2014)
This handbook gives good practical advice to employers on how to attract women to the industry, and how to find women for their trade jobs.
Strategic Intentions 2014-2018 (2014)
This document sets out the Ministry's intentions for the following four years.
Ultimit Benefit (2013)
This research, by ESITO, shares the stories of nine women in the electricity supply industry. The research aims to gain a better understanding of how the electricity supply industry can develop strategies for a more diverse workforce.
Building Back Better: Utilising Women's Labour In The Canterbury Recovery (2013)
This research report presents new information about the employment situation of un- and under-employed Canterbury women. It tells us that there is under-utilised, ‘hidden’ female labour in Canterbury.
Statement of Intent 2013-2016 (2013)
Our Statement of Intent sets out our intentions for the following three years (2013-2016).
Statement of Intent 2011-2014 (2011)
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women's Statement of Intent for 2011-2014.
Women in Trades: Interviews With Employers and Tradeswoman (2011)
This study was to understand what employers were currently doing in Aotearoa New Zealand to attract and retain women in male-dominated trades and to learn more about the benefits of having women in what have been traditionally male-dominated industries.…
Trading Choices: Young people’s career decisions and gender segregation in the trades (2008)
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs commissioned this study as part of its plan to improve the economic independence of New Zealand women and to decrease gender segregation in the workforce, particularly in trades-related occupations.
Advice to the Minister
Annual Report
Briefing to Incoming Minister
Cabinet Paper
Gender inequality
Gender Pay Gap
Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry
New Zealand Society
Official Information Act Release
Other Documents
Pacific Women
Pay transparency
Rangatahi | Youth
Reports to the Minister
Safety and wellbeing
Stakeholder Survey
Statement of Intent
Wāhine Māori
Women in Trades
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