- Issue date
- 16 December 2019
Five new members joined the National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women (NACEW) today to discuss women’s employment issues, in an advisory role to the Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter.
The Chair of NACEW, Traci Houpapa, and current members, Erin Polaczuk, Theresa Gattung, and Katherine Rich have been reconfirmed. The new members are: David McLean, Alison Mau, Jade (Poh Gaik) Tang-Taylor, Bernadette Pereira and Angela McLeod.
NACEW advises the Minister for Women on how New Zealand organisations can have fair and inclusive workplaces. It is supported by representatives from BusinessNZ and the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions.
The members of the Council are:
Traci Houpapa (Chair), Chair of the Federation of Māori Authorities and Member of the Treasury Board and Victoria University of Wellington Council
Katherine Rich, BusinessNZ representative and Chief Executive of the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council
Erin Polaczuk, New Zealand Council of Trade Unions representative and National Secretary of the Public Service Association
Theresa Gattung, Director of My Food Bag, Chair of AIA Australia and AIA NZ, and Country Lead for SheEO
David McLean, Chief Executive of Westpac New Zealand
Jade (Poh Gaik) Tang-Taylor, Ethnic Diversity Strategy Activator at Foundation North, Advisor to CareerMum, and Founder of #100mumsproject
Alison Mau, Senior Journalist and leader of #metoonz investigation
Bernadette Pereira, National President of PACIFICA
Angela McLeod, Councillor and Manager Public Sector, Government & Academic Relationships at Rural Women New Zealand.
The NACEW members have been appointed from 18 November 2019 for a three-year term.

L-R top row: Theresa Gattung, Bernadette Pereira, David McLean, Angela McLeod, Alison Mau. L-R bottom row: Traci Houpapa, Erin Polaczuk, Katherine Rich. Absent: Jade Taylor-Tang.