By taking action and reporting on your progress to close your gender pay gap, you’re supporting New Zealand to become a more equitable and fairer place. Congratulations and thank you!

Reporting your gender pay gap can help your organisation be more transparent and accountable, have a stronger reputation as a fair employer, and make you seem as a desirable employer to work for.

Organisations can report on their gender pay gap in various ways, such as through an action plan, internal reporting, on their website, in their annual reports – or all of the above!

Wherever, and however, it’s published, you should report in the same place and same way (at least annually and using the same methodology), it should be easily accessible for its intended audience, and should refer back to previous years’ figures for comparison.

Read the step-by-step guidance to help with your reporting, including developing a context statement.

Use the “We’re taking action to close our gender pay gap” logo!

As part of publishing information about tackling your gender pay gap, you can download and use a logo on your website, social media, and publications to signal that your organisation is taking action to close its gender pay gap.

Right click on the image below and save it to your files.

We're taking action to close our gender pay gap
We're taking action to close our gender pay gap!

Get in touch with us at to share your story of tackling your gender pay gap!

Gender pay gap toolkit resources

Check out the gender pay gap toolkit resources to find the information needed to help close your organisation's gender pay gap.