The Ministry for Women's gender pay gap data was not included in the State Services Commission's Public Service Workforce Data results, released today.
The next step of the Gender Pay Action Plan was launched today by Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter, with seven public service agencies committing to flexible work pilots.
Today, the Ministry's strategic intentions for the next four years were released in our Statement of Intent : Our approach for 2018-2022.
As part of the Suffrage 125 celebrations at Parliament on 19 September 2019, a framed portrait of prominent Māori suffragist Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia was gifted to Parliament by Hon Eugenie Sage, Acting Minister for Women.
This factsheet provides a simple and accessible overview of the process to address systemic sex-based pay discrimination across female-dominated industries.
On the 125th anniversary of the day New Zealand made history with women’s suffrage, the Government has introduced legislation that makes history for women’s pay, say the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Iain Lees-Galloway and Acting Minister
The fund’s projects commemorate the 125th anniversary of universal suffrage in New Zealand and come from $300,000 funding in Budget 2018.
Hon Eugenie Sage, Acting Minister for Women, today announced 42 successful applicants for the Suffrage 125 Community Fund, at the Kate Sheppard Memorial in Christchurch.
At least half of the senior leaders in the public sector will be women by the end of 2019, and workplaces will be flexible “by default” are among goals in
A report highlighting the barriers some single mothers face returning to work and navigating the benefit system shows the need for the Government welfare overhaul that has already begun, says Hon Julie Anne Genter, Minister for Women.
The New Zealand Government has been progressing work to satisfy the 78 recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women has received additional funding in Budget 2022 to continue to support improved outcomes for wāhine women and kōtiro girls. Budget 2022 provides for additional funding of:
Pay equity is the same pay for different work which has the same or similar level of skill, responsibility, and effort. Equal pay is the same pay for the same work, regardless of gender.
Women’s financial wellbeing in retirement is influenced by a variety of contextual factors and by decisions women make during their life course.
Occupational segregation refers to a pattern where men and women are more commonly employed in a particular occupation or sector.