This is the second report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
This is the third report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
The aim of this research was to explore the experience of Pacific Island women in Auckland during and post the COVID-19 pandemic. Focus group interviews were conducted to examine participants’ experiences.
This is New Zealand’s seventh periodic report on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
This report provides an overview of what is known in Aotearoa New Zealand, particularly Māori perspectives, and internationally, on sexual coercion/violence, resilience and healthy relationships, particularly for indigenous peoples, with an overall focu
This report outlines the findings of case study research into flexible work practices in the New Zealand accounting sector undertaken by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs between January and May 2010.
This study surveyed a sample of secondary school students from single-sex and coeducational schools in Dunedin and Auckland about their prospective career choices and investigated how student choices may have changed over time.
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs has completed a limited analysis of male and female graduate incomes using the Student Loans and Allowances Integrated dataset of students who left university between 2001 and 2006.
In this report we identify the emerging global trends of green and knowledge economies and the enduring feminisation of the labour market.
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women Annual Report for The Year ended 30 June 2010.
This publication looks at evidence showing that women can add a competitive edge to company boards.
The aim of this study was to assess attrition in relation to adult sexual violation cases – that is, what proportion and type of cases drop out at each stage of the criminal justice process.
This report responds to a request by the Ministry of Women‟s Affairs to the Crime and Justice Research Centre to conduct a critical literature review outlining international and New Zealand perspectives on good practice for services that respond to adul
Restoring Soul: Effective Interventions for Adult Victim/Survivors of Sexual Violence is the overview report resulting from a two-year research project led by the Ministry of Women's Affairs in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and New Z
This report presents the findings of an environmental scan of agencies and key informants that respond to victim/survivors of sexual violence.
This report outlines themes and ideas discussed by participants at the ‘He Wāhine Pūmanawa’ Māori Women’s Leadership Workshop, organised by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MWA).