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Reports to the Minister - 2024
Proactive release of Reports as provided to the Minister for Women.
Reports to the Minister - 2023
Proactive release of Reports as provided to the Minister for Women.
Reports to the Minister - 2022
Proactive release of Reports as provided to the Minister for Women.
The economic rationales for narrowing the Gender Pay Gap (2006)
This paper discusses the extent to which the gender pay gap represents inequities, and the approach that governments should take to improve the relative pay of women, are much debated within economics and public policy.
Reports to the Minister - 2021
Proactive release of Weekly Reports as provided to the Minister for Women. These documents are historic and will not necessarily reflect the current status of the content. Where necessary, redactions have been made to the reports based on a
Reports to the Minister - 2020
Proactive release of Weekly Reports as provided to the Minister for Women. These documents are historic and will not necessarily reflect the current status of the content. Where necessary, redactions have been made to the reports based on a
Reports to the Minister - 2019
Proactive release of Weekly Reports as provided to the Minister for Women. These documents are historic and will not necessarily reflect the current status of the content. Where necessary, redactions have been made to the reports based on a
Country Case Studies on Pay Transparency (2022)
This report from Manatū Wāhine is a country case studies on pay transparency in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland and the United Kingdom.
Literature Scan - Unpaid Work: a Pacific Gender Perspective (2019)
A literature scan undertaken to identify research published from 2010-2019, on the nature of unpaid work that is undertaken by Pacific Island women in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Reports to the Minister - 2018
Proactive release of Weekly Reports as provided to the Minister for Women. These documents are historic and will not necessarily reflect the current status of the content. Where necessary, redactions have been made to the reports based on a
Parenthood and Labour Market Outcomes (2018)
This research paper, Parenthood and labour market outcomes, is an initial exploration of what we can learn about the drivers of the gender pay gap in New Zealand from combining administrative wage data, birth records, and…
Closing the Gender Pay Gap - Actions for Employers (2017)
In New Zealand, on average, a woman earns 9.4 percent less than a man. As an employer, you can play a leading role in closing the gap. Not only your organisation, but the wider economy, will reap the benefits. This booklet is a starting point for…
Literature Review About The Use of Affirmative Action Programmes To Address Gender Discrimination In The Workplace (2013)
This is a literature review, commissioned by New Zealand Police about the use of affirmative action programmes to address gender discrimination in the workplace.
Changes In Women’s Earnings (2013)
This report, prepared by NZIER, describes the drivers of changes in the economic returns to women’s skills over the past 30 years and considers how these drivers may affect returns to women’s skills over the next 10 to 15 years.
Play fair: Ensuring that men and women are paid and treated fairly in the workplace (2012)
These guides will assist organisations to assess whether their male and female employees equitably share opportunities to develop and fully participate at work.
Does Gender Matter? (2012)
The findings of this study came from an online survey and interviews of engineering graduates from 2000-2005.
New Zealand women’s employment outcomes (2010)
This report aims to identify the characteristics, pay and working issues for prime-aged (25–54) female employees who work less than full-time in low-paid jobs – in particular, in low-paid jobs in retail, cleaning and residential care.
Indicators for change: tracking the progress of New Zealand women (2009)
Indicators for Change: Tracking the progress of New Zealand women is a periodical report published by the Ministry of Women's Affairs that provides a snapshot of the current social and economic status of women in New Zealand.
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