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Access to Childcare Report 5 (2022)
This is the fifth report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal survey data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
Access to Childcare Report 4 (2022)
This is the fourth report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
Work-Life Balance: What’s that? (2008)
Stories from New Zealand women about their work-life balance.
Access to Childcare Report 3 (2021)
This is the third report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
Access to Childcare Report 2 (2021)
This is the second report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal survey data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
Access to Childcare Report 1 (2021)
This is the first report that uses the Growing Up in New Zealand data to explore how the inability to access affordable childcare affects the long run labour market outcomes of mothers.
Ministry for Women Stakeholder Survey 2020 (2020)
Every year the Ministry carries out an external stakeholder survey. This is used to provide insights to the Ministry's relationships with stakeholders over its priority areas. You can view the 2020 survey report below.
Essays on unpaid work (2019)
We have commissioned a series of essays, an unp
Ministry for Women Stakeholder Survey 2019 (2019)
Every year the Ministry carries out an external stakeholder survey. This is used to provide insights to the Ministry's relationships with stakeholders over its priority areas. You can view the 2019 survey report below.
Celebrating 125 Years of Women's Suffrage (2018)
More than 125 years ago, New Zealand women were vigorously campaigning to achieve the right to vote and would finally win that right in September of 1893.
Ministry for Women Stakeholder Survey 2018 (2018)
Every year the Ministry carries out an external stakeholder survey. This is used to provide insights to the Ministry's relationships with stakeholders over its priority areas. You can view the 2018 survey report below.
Something's Got to Change: Mothers and Their Babies (2018)
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women interviewed 40 mothers in Whāngarei, South Auckland and Gisborne, to hear in their own words, their experiences of the social services they accessed both during pregnancy and with young children. Manatū Wāhine also…
Digital Harm Research Reports (2018)
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women has led research with Netsafe on looking at young New Zealanders’ experiences of digital harm.
Ministry for Women Stakeholder Survey 2017 (2017)
Every year the Ministry carries out an external stakeholder survey. This is used to provide insights to the Ministry's relationships with stakeholders over its priority areas. You can view the 2017 survey report below.
E Tū Ake! Stand Tall And Proud (2014)
This paper looks at improving the economic independence of women with low or no qualifications; women who are not in education, training or employment; and Māori and Pacific women.
Celebrating 120 Years of Women's Suffrage (2013)
Statistics New Zealand and Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women produced an infographic presenting a snapshot of women’s achievements in the 120 years since women’s suffrage.
Employment Choices for Young Women: The influence of gender representation in New Zealand produced television watched by children (2012)
This report shares the findings for the research project on how gender representation in New Zealand-produced television content viewed by children aged 12 years and under can influence girls’ and women’s employment choices in later life.
Indicators for change: tracking the progress of New Zealand women (2009)
Indicators for Change: Tracking the progress of New Zealand women is a periodical report published by the Ministry of Women's Affairs that provides a snapshot of the current social and economic status of women in New Zealand.
Advice to the Minister
Annual Report
Briefing to Incoming Minister
Cabinet Paper
Gender inequality
Gender Pay Gap
Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry
New Zealand Society
Official Information Act Release
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Pacific Women
Pay transparency
Rangatahi | Youth
Reports to the Minister
Safety and wellbeing
Stakeholder Survey
Statement of Intent
Wāhine Māori
Women in Trades
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