Good governance in Aotearoa New Zealand means that women are represented in leadership and governance roles at all levels. We know that women have the skills and talents to succeed and lead us into the future.
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women is the Government’s principal advisor on improving the lives of wāhine women and kōtiro girls.Manatū Wāhine is a government policy agency. We do not have any role in community funding or scholarships.
Official information is any information held by the government, including Ministers of the Crown in their official capacity, and departments and Ministries, including Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women.
Our newsletter, Te Karanga, includes updates on the latest mahi from Manatū Wahine.You can subscribe to receive Te Karanga by entering in your details in the form below.
A board is a group of people who supervise or govern an organisation, company, or facility, or those charged with providing advice or making decisions on a particular issue.
If you are seeking high-calibre candidates for a public sector board vacancy, contact the Ministry's Nominations Service.
On 19 September 1893, Governor Lord Glasgow signed a new Electoral Act into law, and New Zealand became the first self-governing country in the world to enshrine in law the right for women to vote in parliamentary elections.
The National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women is an independent Ministerial advisory body to the Minister for Women on women’s employment.
The decision to set up a Ministry of Women’s Affairs (now Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women) arose from developments in the women’s liberation movement in New Zealand and the increasing political power of women.
The Ministry’s written responses to Parliament’s Social Services and Community Committee (SSCC), such as responding to the annual Estimates for Vote Women questions, are published on the
Read Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women's Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016.
If you would like a hard copy of this report, please email
The Government’s latest report to the United Nations on New Zealand’s efforts to eliminate discrimination against women has been submitted.
The Ministry for Women's Four -Year Plan provides a snapshot in time of a department's strategic and medium-term planning. It covers the Ministry's strategic objectives, its role and funding, and how the Ministry will organise and manage its peopl
Results of the 2015 Gender Stocktake of State Sector Boards and Committees.
The Ministry for Women's report, A malu i 'āiga, e malu fo'i i fafo: Protection for the family, protection for all, shares, from the perspective of Samoan people, what works to keep Samoan women and girls safe from violence.
Read Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women's Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2015.
If you would like a hard copy of this report please email
Women in Canterbury now make up a higher proportion of those employed in construction than do women nationally.