• Addressing the gender pay gap in a post COVID-19 world webinar 30 July 2020

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    This webinar was facilitated by the National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women, Federation of Māori Authorities and Ministry for Women.

  • COVID-19 Community Fund 2020 successful applicants announced

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    Hon Julie Anne Genter, Minister for Women, has announced that the $1 million COVID-19 Community Fund for women and girls has been doubled and who the successful funding applicants are.

  • Six months with baby and $20 more a week for new parents

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    The Government’s increase to paid parental leave kicks in today with another 4 weeks taking New Zealand up to a full 6 months (26 weeks, up from 22 weeks) leave for new parents, and the maximum weekly payment will increase by $20pw, says Workplace Relat

  • Free period products in schools to combat poverty

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    Young people in Waikato will be the first to have free access to period products in schools in another step to support children and young people in poverty says Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

  • Record year for women on boards

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    The Government is on the verge of reaching its target of state sector boards and committees made up of at least 50 percent women, say Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter and Minister for Ethnic Communities Jenny Salesa.

  • Ministry investigates COVID-19's affect on women

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    As part of the Ministry for Women's role as the Government's principal advisor on achieving better outcomes for women and girls, we have been looking at how COVID-19 is affecting women in particular.

  • New members join NACEW

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    Five new members joined the National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women (NACEW) today to discuss women’s employment issues, in an advisory role to the Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter.

  • Ministry for Women gender pay gap

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    The Ministry for Women's gender pay gap data was not included in the State Services Commission's Public Service Workforce Data results, released today.

  • Māori women in business contribute to our economy, whānau and communities

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    Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter has released a new report celebrating the contribution of wāhine Māori in business across Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • More progress for women, but we can do more

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    Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter welcomes leaders in the private sector taking action on closing their gender pay gaps to ensure a fairer workplace for all New Zealanders.